The BIOMEDCAN CBD products are full spectrum CBD, which means that we use all the important components of the cannabis plant and not only the CBD. These are CBG, CBN and Terpene. These components increase each other’s efficiency and this is called the ENTOURAGE effect.
The terpenes are especially helpful to us in order to direct and increase the efficiency of the CBD products. Terpenes are organic compounds that are formed by many plants. They are found in essential oils, teas or other products.
In addition to the terpenes from the cannabis plant in the BIOMEDCAN CBD product you can add other terpenes to receive the best effect.
Anne Wanitschek – Cannabis und Cannabidiol (CBD) richtig anwenden: Wirkungsweisen und Behandlungsmethoden
Leonard Leinow & Juliana Birnbaum – CBD, A Patient’s Guide to Medical Cannabis